Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Year's Eve

Thanks to my final paper (which is actually way overdue), I get to stay at home on New Year's Eve (please note the sarcasm). I also have my final test the day after tomorrow, so, yeah, going somewhere might not be the best idea. But hey, instead of studing, I'm preparing for the party tonight. What party, you ask? Why it's the biggest event in town. The cream of the crop. The one where all the coolest people will be begging to be invited. It's none other than the Bring Your Friends, Don't Forget Your Dog, Your Own Meat and Sausage All Night Barbeque New Year Soiree! After this lousy year, I do feel the right to have a little R&R. What better time than New Year's Eve and two days before my final test. Just twenty people sitting around, chatting, all night long. Can't wait!

...Guess I'll study at the party.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Holy Crap! Where's My Internet?

My internet connection is f**ked up! Just heard the news two days ago that the earthquake in Taiwan busted the underwater cables. Hence, internet connection in Indonesia is creeping along at a snail's pace. The average internet user in Indonesia access foreign websites (mainly US based: Yahoo, Google, etc) everyday. Usually the bandwith goes through Taiwan, then Japan, and the US. But now, it has to go all the way through Australia or via the west line through Europe. Experts said that the repairs could take 2-3 weeks. Dear God, three weeks with this kind of connection?

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Here's my new year resolution:


that is all.

The Evolution of a Nerd

Well hello boys and girls of all ages! Step right up! Step right up! And welcome to the wonderful and wacky world of... me! Our first item for today comes from way back in 1995 (or 96, I forgot...). Who is that dashingly handsome young man, you ask? Why, that's none other than yours truly! I have no idea what went on in that little head of mine those days. No fashion sense at all. Geez, look at that mustache! Those sideburns! *gulp* That hairdo! (If that qualifies as a hairdo...) Dear God! I can see now why girls weren't very fond of me those days... . Sheesh!

Up next, 1997. This picture was taken in some museum. (A museum of all places! How much nerdier can one be????) Focus of interest: Those HUMONGOUS glasses!

Nuff laughing, next stop, 2002! Well, as you can see, got luckier with the ladies... except that she's an old and dear friend from a long time ago... so I don't think one could call that fortunate. At least I got rid of that horrible, neglected, never went to a barbershop before mustache. But the hair still stinks.

And finally this is me in 2006...

Okay... okay, geez... . Happy now? Not perfect, but way better. You've come a looong way dude... . Bless you B for the makeover.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Photoshop CS3 - beta!

Just opened Finally, Photoshop CS3 is almost out! Native performance on the intel based Macs! I'm sick and tired of using photoshop at a considerably slower speed on the Macbook Pro. You can download the beta here if you like. Considering my connection speed, it'd be best for me if I wait for the full release to come out. (Spring '07, can't wait!). Though, in my opinion as a humble graphic designer, the new CS3 icons is dull. But apparently there's already a buzz going on in the blogging world bout 'em. So I won't blog about it. Check out John Nack on Adobe or Jason Santa Maria.

Me and My Rusty Guitar Fingers

I've been listening to Depapepe lately. I'm not really a big fan of J-Pop, but this one, I can enjoy. Just two guys with two guitars. Usually the first guy plays the rhythm, while the other bangs on with straightforward melodies. They're really easy on the ears but memorable from the very first time you hear them. Air guitaring and the occasional head banging is not very common when it comes to accoustic pieces, but I'll make an exception for this band. I do agree with you, the name IS stupid. But as soon as you hear their music, it doesn't matter.

That said, I've developed a sudden craving for the 6 strings. It has been almost a year since I last played touched my guitar. Thanks to these guys, yesterday I cleaned up my rusty accoustic, changed the strings, and got iTunes on repeat. The initial plan was to learn those straightforward melodies and copy them. Well, at least that was the plan. Turns out, these fingers are as rusty as those old strings. I never was a great guitarist. No, that would be this guy, but I ain't that bad. Alas, you can't tell by the way I'm playing now. T_T

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hot Stuff!

I want this! Don't know what I would use it for. Maybe I'd finally get the jogging mood back on if I combine it with technology. These evergrowing flabs really need a complete overhaul. But then again, I just want it cos it's DAMN HOT!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Blog Redesign

Got bored with blogger's template, so I'm giving my page a makeover. You'll see a couple of changes in a few days. Stop by every now and then.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Damn Straight!

Calvin, my boy, you don't know how right you are... .

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Creativity at its Best

Lately I've found my very own sanctuary for blogging. Thank God for the invention of Wi-Fi. Now I can poop my ideas (this was an old friend's motto, but it really suits the moment).

Note to self:

Saturday, December 02, 2006

The 5 Most Annoying Places for a Mosquito Bite

1. On the upper wall of the nasal cavity (that's the the upper wall of the inside of your nose for you who don't speak medically, or don't open wikipedia compulsively for his/her blog :))) ). Try scratching it. Yeah, right now. Easy? Now imagine doing that when there's a swelling. (BTW, you look good with your finger in your nose)
2. Just beneath the eyes. If you scratch it, the swelling gets worse. And suddenly you have the worst plastic surgery ever performed on a human being.
3. On the sole of your foot. You can apply lotions, but try sratching it... . C'mon, humor me, try it.
4. On your tongue. Enough said.
5. On junior... . Yep, good old junior... . FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, DON'T SCRATCH IT!

Some of them are based on experience. Which one, you said? Number five, you said? No comment, I said.