Friday, November 23, 2007

Pimp My Site!

Remember that blog o' mine? Well, I got bored with the design. So after my fifth cup of coffee and six hours of non-stop shoddy web designing in Photoshop, my blog has a slightly different face. Hope you like it!


dewa said...

dude, that new logo owns the universe!!
can you make one of that for my tech blog? similar touch, just replace those gadgets with porn material (babes, butts, busts, anything), and sort of random 0101001110011 byte pictures.. plus put the word "Technical Fun" on that, okay? :D mwhuahahhahaha, I'll buy you a month supply of that 20 gallon sosro pack (when it becomes available).

Helix said...

The logo owns the universe? Are you nuts? The logo is the universe. Har har har har! I'll see what I can do.