Monday, October 23, 2006

My Dog's Phobia

Last night, when I was publishing my blog, someone knocked on my bedroom door. Well... it's not really a knock, more like scratchings and loud bangings. Whoa... this must be... the Ghost of Eid Ul-Fitr(*) Past coming to haunt me for my past mistakes (It's basically like the Ghost of Christmas Past, only Moslem, LOL!) So I carefully crept out of bed, dawdled to the door, and slowly opened it, just enough to let me take a peek. That's when I saw this big, whimpering, 11 years old, brownish dog. His name is Cota (stands for Coklat Tua - Dark Brown). He's the alpha male of my three dogs. But last night, he sure didn't look like it, more like the omega male. When he saw me, he immediately pushes his nose up through the door.

"Okay boy," I said, "you can come in, but watch your fur! No shedding inside!"

So he hurrily went in and nervously traipsed back and fourth, occasionally putting his ear up. That's when I realize that this is Eid Ul-Fitr eve and Indonesians often celebrate it by putting up simple fireworks and firecrackers. This has been one of his phobia. Everytime he hears a loud bang, he enters omega mode, crouching beneath a table, begging for human company. Luckily, at midnight the people ran out of firecrackers, so he willingly went outside.

The omega male...

(*)Eid Ul-Fitr: The feast marking the end of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting.

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