Thursday, May 17, 2007


As a certified nerd, I surf the web 4 maybe 5 times a day with varied periods of online time. Here's what I always open lately in my browser. Gmail, YahooMail, Blogger, and the post-cyberculture internet social network service known as Friendster (haven't got the time to update to MySpace). Maybe it's because I have the pleasure of free time at home lately that I'm starting to crave for communication from the outside world. Even a misaddressed email would leave a grin on my face. That sounded a bit pathetic, so before you switch to pitying mode, let me assure you that I am not at all deprived of human contact. I go out with my friends at least twice a week. So, yes, I am sane and normal. To help asure you of my sanity, I took a personality disorder test. I have a low tendancy of any personality disorders out there according to these results.

But I'm still craving for cybercommunication. A possible theory that could explain this conundrum is the doppelgänger theory which stated that in the not so distant future, humans will lead two separate lives. The first one is the ones we see every day. The old man sitting beside you in the bus, the girl you saw helping an old lady cross the street, the dog (yes, dog) you played with last week in front of the coffee shop. The second one is when he/she/it goes home and connects to the web. The old man becomes that very attractive young woman you met on some chatroom, the girl becomes a gold-digging nympho, the dog becomes a dog with a longer tail (dogs will be able to go online in the future but still lack those imagination skills). Similar to dissociative identity disorder or split personality, if you will. The subject grows more and more distant from the other identity until the identities completely disregards each others presence.

In my problem, my other half (literally), the one that took over everytime I go to the net, is lacking communication with the outside world. He (or she?) doesn't acknowledge my daily life at all. He doesn't know when I'm having lunch with the guys, he doesn't know when I meet up with my thesis counselor, he doesn't even know when I watched TV with mom and dad 10 minutes ago. But wait! I'm writing this blog online! Doesn't that mean that I'm him? Then who am I? What? Why? Huh?

That is of course a theory I made up completely for the sake of this blog (it was good while it lasted though, aint it?). Well, I'm still looking forward for an email, a comment on my blog, or even a short short short friendster message. Drop me a line... pretty please... .

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